We are pleased to announce the Narcotic City Event Series at 1014 which explores the discourses, imaginaries, practices, and consequences of public drug use from the 1970s until the present with a focus on American and European cities. Across three evening roundtables, we address how cultures of drug consumption are interwoven into public spaces, everyday lives, and public memories of cities. We bring together expert activists, scholars, and workers on public health, narcotic cultures, and archival politics from the US, Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands. Tuesday, October 11, 2022 – 6:30 PM Struggles over the Narcotic City – Histories of Policing Opioids and other Drugs from the 1970s until the presentRoundtable with inputs by Gemma Blok (Open University, Netherlands), Samuel K. Roberts (Columbia University, New York), Matthew Vaz (CUNY, New York), Frederieke Westerheide (Halle University Halle). Moderation: Stefan Höhne (KWI Essen). More info here Register Thursday, October 13, 2022 – 6:30 PM Intoxicating the Archive – Preserving Narcotic Heritage and including Marginalized Voices in Collections and LibrariesRoundtable with inputs by Machteld Busz (Stories from the Drug Closet, Amsterdam), Kenneth Cobb (Municipal Archives, New York), Jen Hoyer and Brooke Shuman (Interference Archive, New York), Stefan Höhne (Narcotic City Archive, Essen), Kimberly Springer (Oral History Archives at Columbia, New York). Moderator: Gemma Blok (Open University, Netherlands. More info here Register Friday, October 14, 2022 – 6:30 PM
Harm Reduction and Beyond – Transatlantic perspectivesRoundtable with inputs by Tamara Oyola-Santiago (Bronx Móvil, New York), Sebastian Bayer (Fixpunkt, Berlin), Machteld Busz (Mainline, Amsterdam), Ashley Quinones (New York), Celia Joyce (New York), Nancy Campbell (Rensselaer, New York), Moderation: Thomas Bürk / Tori Gruber More info here Register |