In cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Governing the Narcotic City presents a new lecture series, Stadt-Rausch-Regierung: Drogenpolitik in Berlin und Anderswo (Intoxication, Governance and the City: Drug Policies in Berlin and Elsewhere), which will run from November of 2019 to April 2020.
Fragmente einer Drogengeschichte Berlins
The first event, Fragmente einer Drogengeschichte Berlins (Fragments of Berlin’s Narcotic History), invited four speakers to discuss historical episodes of drug culture in the German capital, covering a wide range of narcotic places and spatial pratices. It was held on Wednesday, November 12, 2019, at the Aquarium (Südblock) in Berlin.
Böse Orte?
The second event, Böse Orte? Sozialräumliche Interventionen an Leopoldplatz, Kottbusser Tor und Görlitzer Park (Evil Places? Socio-Spatial Interventions at Leopoldplatz, Kottbusser Tor and Görlitzer Park), involved a narrative visit led by three speakers to three nearby places labeled as problematic in different respects. It was held on Thursday, Feburary 13, 2020, at the Aquarium (Südblock) in Berlin.