Frederieke Westerheide

Frederieke Westerheide
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, GermanyFrederieke Westerheide (M.A.) is a cultural geographer and urban studies scholar, interested in processes of exclusion and inclusion in contemporary and historical city settings. Her research interests include critical approaches to the production of space, urban governance, as well as contestations and negotiations of social conflicts and power relations within the city.
Since 2019 Frederieke Westerheide is a doctoral student within the HERA JRP GONACI and part of the team conducting case study VI: Trip-advisors: Public Spaces of Urban Drug-Tourism. In her dissertation project she focuses on urban drug-tourism in Amsterdam, Berlin and Prague. The project aims to examine drug-related touristic practices to understand how varying perceptions of urban drug cultures shape local policies that further impact dynamics and processes of urban change. Methodologically she engages in ethnographic research, discourse analysis, and critical cartography.
Her current project is influenced by her prior involvement with the Autor*innenkollektiv Gras & Beton, which published Gefährliche Orte. Unterwegs in Kreuzberg in 2018 (Link). The book focuses on the construction of dangerous spaces in Berlin Kreuzberg and aims to intervene in discourses surrounding the stigmatization and marginalization of subjects and urban spaces that are commonly associated with open drug scenes.
Last modified: June 10th, 2021