Peter-Paul Bänziger

PD Dr. Peter-Paul Bänziger
University of Basel, SwitzerlandPeter-Paul Bänziger, Dr. habil., is a senior researcher (Privatdozent) at the Department of History, University of Basel. He studied history and philosophy at the University of Zurich, where he received his PhD in 2008. He held an assistant professorship (without tenure track) at the University of St Gallen and was senior a scholar at the Center »History of Knowledge« (ZGW), ETH and University of Zurich. In the academic year 2018/19, he was a guest profes- sor for Global Economic History at the University of Konstanz. Fellowships led him to the EHESS (Paris), the Universities of Vienna and Cologne, to Columbia University (New York City), and to the Center for Interdisciplinary Research ZiF, University of Bielefeld. His main areas of research are: body history, media history, history of knowledge, and economic history (history of work and consumption). His main publications are Sex als Problem. Körper und Intimbeziehungen in Briefen an die »Liebe Marta« (2010); Sexuelle Revolution? Zur Geschichte der Sexualität im deutschsprachigen Raum seit den 1960er Jahren (2015, ed. with M. Beljan, F. X. Eder and P. Eitler); Histories of Productivity. Genealogical Perspectives on the Body and Modern Economy (2017, ed. with M. Suter); and Die Moderne als Erlebnis. Eine Geschichte der Konsum- und Arbeitsgesellschaft, 1840-1940 (2020).
Last modified: July 10th, 2020